Hard capsule auto plant manufactured by us is one of the fastest capsule forming plant available in the world today.
We offer hard capsule forming plant in various variants:
1. Six pin-bar dipping system producing capsules at a speed of 32 pin bars/ Minute. (57,600 Capsules/Hr.)
2. Seven pin-bar dipping system producing capsule at a speed of 38 pin bars/ Minute. (68,400 Capsules/Hr.)
- Dipping system-total mechanical motions acheived by means of mechanical cams making the total operations precisely controlled, timed, jerk less & easy to maintain
- Double dipping cams/ servo motors , one each for cap and body making it easy to control parameters of cap & body seperately.
- Greaser section- Independent drives for cap and body greaser heads along with AC variable frequency drives to vary speed in accordance with machine speed.
- Pin lubrication system- Precisely dosed lubrication system, east to set .
- Automatic Heads- State of the art design, enabling flawless working even at high speeds of 38 Pinbars/ Minute.
- Automatic Heads- Components and mechanism running in bearings, linear bearings, needle bearings and linear guide way systems (No bushes:No wear) ensuring extended performance and consistent quality.
- 30 Pins per Pinbar.
- Table section- 24 pin-bars on table in 6 pin-bar dipping m/c and 28 pin-bars on table in 7 pin-bar dipping m/c.
- Table section- Advanced flapper design for smooth trouble free pin-bar tilting, even at a speed of 42 pin-bar/ Minute.
- Horizontal Lower and Upper Decks.
- Trimming collector, working at an efficiency greater than 99%.
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