How to Build Muscle Fast - Gain Weight and Look Great

Bodybuilding is for everyone.
You can build a better body starting today so what are you waiting for. You may want to have huge bulging biceps and six pack abs, or maybe you just want to be toned and look healthy without all the bulkiness. Each person's goals might slightly differ but in the end everyone wants to look and feel good.

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Many men would love to have a chiseled body that is all muscle and no fat. Many women wish to be toned and fit but do not want to look too intensely muscular. Both will benefit from a good weekly weightlifting routine.

If you want to build muscle fast you must lift weights and train hard. Its not going to be easy but if you have the right frame of mind, it won't be too hard either. The first step is deciding that you don't want to settle for mediocrity. You must be able to admit that you are worth it! You are worth the effort, the sweat, and the time.

Have you ever seen an ugly physically fit person?

There aren't many. The truth is that everyone has the potential to be hot, sexy, in shape. Search online for before and after pictures of people who decided to take control of their health and exercised hard and saw results. Look at how they transformed from average to low attractiveness to vibrant, toned, glowing beacons of wellness. Take a look I dare you!

Do you know your bodytype?

People are built differently. Your success in the gym depends on one factor you can't change, genetics. Genetics determine your body type which describes how your body stores and uses fat and muscle. If you are naturally skinny you need to make sure to eat more calories and do less cardio than a stocky person if you want to build muscles and look ripped. The three names given to the basic body shapes are ecomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph.

• Endomorph: Has a large body frame and is often referred to as "stocky". This body type tends to hold on to more fat that is stubborn and hard to lose. Endomorphs build muscle fast but the fat tends to cover it up so one might huge and muscular but not look ripped. Endomorphs need to do more cardio than other body types and watch their calorie intake closely so not to gain more weight.

• Ectomorph: Is naturally thin with small muscles and narrow shoulders and hips. The body frame is usually elongated and stretched looking. This is your typical "hard gainer". It's hard to put on weight and muscle muscle mass no matter how much you eat. Muscle growth is the slowest for extomorphs and requires more work than other body types. The advantage to this body type is that you can eat as much as you want. Other guys will get jealous when you can afford to eat that piece of chocolate cake they deprive themselves of.

• Mesomorph: The ideal shape for bodybuilders, naturally muscular body, wide shoulders, small waist, athletic body structure, low body fat. Most professional bodybuilders are this type. A mesomorph usually excels naturally in sports and will gain weight proportionality. It will not take a long time to see your muscle gaining size, mass and definition. In fact, if you train, eat and rest correctly, you will visibly see your muscles growing week after week right before your eyes until you hit a bodybuilding plateau.

Now that you know about your body type it is time to find a bodybuilding diet and use the right supplements to enhance your performance. If you are a skinny ectomorph don't do more than 20 minutes of cardio a day, and eat a ton of food and high calorie protein shakes as supplements. If you are an endomorph do atleast 30 minutes of cardio a day and eat a prudent diet. Make sure your meals are blanced, don't drastically cut out fats or carbs. Just choose the right ones. If you are a mesomorph well good for you!

How do I lose weight and get bigger muscles?

You want to have bigger muscles and also be thin and attractive. I don't blame you. If you want to gain muscle weight your body needs to constantly receive nutrients. This means you need to eat more food and pay attention to what you eat. Seriously. If you do not eat properly your body might enter into "starvation mode" which causes your body to use muscle tissue as fuel rather than food. You don't want to lose muscle, you want to gain weight, muscle weight. The eating habits of a bodybuilder are very different from someone who wants to be thinner. Instead of a primary focus of simply losing weight, bodybuilders focus on losing body fat AND building muscle mass. What a bodybuilder eats should not be considered a "diet" but rather a conscious effort to be healthy and eat smart. Find out how proteins, fats and carbs interact for fat loss and muscle gain

How much protein should I eat?

Exactly how much protein should I eat? Most experts agree that a good body building diet program should contain a particular combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The approximate percentages of each component should be about 40% for carbohydrates, another 40% for proteins and 20% for fats. This diet program is specifically for bodybuilders who intend to gain muscle while losing their body fat. If you are already starting out with low body fat you should increase your carbs. If you are on the heavier side you should decrease your carbs and work in at least 3 days of cardio a week. As always, when starting a new fitness program, consult with your physician to make sure your plan is a healthy choice for you.

Read the food labels.

Read food labels if you don't already. If you read enough nutrition labels a pattern will emerge and soon it will be much easier to calculate calorie intake and grams of proteins, carbs and fats. When going on a body building diet program, you should have an idea of your caloric needs throughout the day. Click here for an easy-to-follow nutrition guide to help you pack on muscle.

How many calories should I consume if I want to gain muscle mass?

In general, approximately 10-15 calories are needed for every pound you weigh, to be able to keep your weight as is. You want to gain muscle weight, which requires a lot of energy, so you need to increase your caloric intake. If you don't take in enough calories your body will slip into the catabolic state which causes it to use up your existing muscle tissue as energy. For building muscle you want to increase your caloric intake by about 500 calories per day. On off days, when you aren't working out, take in less calories, namely carbohydrates. If you are seriously trying to bulk up add an additional 500 calories for a total of 1000 extra calories per day. I recommend this only on the days you are training, or every day for an intense week. If you are trying to bulk up but already have too much body fat then decrease your carbs and consume more protein instead. If you are underweight, extra carbohydrate calories can be added, about 250 is a good start.

When should I eat?

Eating 5-6 meals a day, about every 2½ hours, helps you to spread out your caloric intake. This helps maintain a constant energy level without making you feel hungry, while providing your body tissues adequate nutrition before and after you work out. When trying out a body building diet program, make sure that you modify the diet to suit your body. For example, if you have a fast metabolism, you can eat more calories than an individual with a slow metabolism. It is also a good idea to find a bodybuilding mentor or a personal trainer that can help you personalize your diet and your training as well.

What is bulking?

A common term for packing on pounds is "bulking". I personally don't agree with or understand the concept of bulking. Clean bulking is when you try to gain as much lean muscle mass as possible while drastically cutting down on fats. A bodybuilder usually does this before a competition to lower the BMI; the extra proteins and carbs give the body extra fuel for the rapid increase in muscle mass due to extra training. For example, if I were trying to clean bulk, I would stay away from all junk foods and religiously stick to my diet of lean proteins, whey shakes for extra protein, whole grains and simple carbs, and healthy fats. This makes sense to me. Dirty bulking is when you just try to gain weight, and usually it doesn't matter where it comes from. This is clearly the most appealing but realistically it shouldn't happen that often. I find that after getting accustomed to a healthy all natural diet, with little to no processed foods, I really do prefer to eat healthy (occasional cheating does happen). There is no reason that you would need to gain fat in order to create more muscle. You can just eat a good diet, all year, be healthy, and work your muscles hard, and then you will gain. If you train slightly more one week, you can eat slightly more to give your body the fuel. There is no reason to gorge yourself (althought it may be tempting at time).

Everyone is different.

Your diet should be customized accordingly to support your higher (or lower) level of physical activity. Generally speaking, if you want to increase muscle mass there should be two days of lower calories and five days of high calories. If you want to increase muscle mass and lose fat then five days of lower caloric intake with 2 days of high calories is best. This is called calorie cycling. This is a ton of information and it can get overwhelming. Stick with it. If you want to get a better idea of a good diet plan, the most popular high protein diets are "Sugar Busters", "The Zone diet", "Anabolic diet" and the well known "Atkins diet". Having one of these on hand can really help you if you get confused about what to eat.

For more information about bodybuilding and what you can do to make yourself look ripped and get huge muscles visit

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